
I’m a big fan of things that are desserts that I can pretend aren’t desserts. Things that fall into this list are cereal bars, frozen bananas, and now custard. It’s practically scrambled eggs, right?Spoon in CustardI’d never seen this recipe grace the table at home, at Grandma’s, or really any of the tables in my family. Given it’s absence, I’m assuming it’s a secret recipe that everyone has forgotten about…even though the copy I have is hand-written by my grandma, only a few years old, and a photocopy of something that is in my mom’s recipe book. Clearly they’ve all just forgotten and weren’t trying to keep me from recipes that they don’t like.DSC00220DSC00222DSC00227DSC00231

Nutmeg isn’t necessary, but the dusting looks beautiful. And if you don’t have adorable custard cups, pour the unbaked custard into a bigger dish and bake for a little bit longer (sorry there aren’t specifics, but all dishes are different sizes). And I would like it to be noted that I didn’t scramble the eggs in the milk.

3 slightly beaten eggs
¼ cup sugar
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp vanilla
2 cups milk, scalded
Dash of nutmeg

Preheat oven to 325oF.
Combine eggs, sugar, salt, and vanilla; slowly whisk in scalded milk.
Pour into 6 5oz custard cups or a baking dish. Sprinkle with nutmeg.
Bake in pan of hot water in slow over until mixture doesn’t adhere to a knife, about 30—40 minutes.

3 thoughts on “Custard

  1. In my childhood, custard was the food you got when you were home sick from school, when you weren’t pukey sick, but still sick enough to lay on the couch and watch game shows all morning, and the channel 13 noon movie, before taking a long nap. It was my original comfort food.

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